Fast Marching on 3D Meshes
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3D mesh的fast marching 跟2D图片的fast marching类似.

2D图片是规则的平面网格,点的 ux,uy 是通过上或下,左或右(具体哪个,是通过距离小的点去确定),具体请参考
而3D mesh上点的 ux,uy 是通过与它位于同一个三角形的其他两个点去确定


Δx , Δy 分别为点到它两个父节点的距离

/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/// Name : GW_GeodesicMesh::PerformFastMarchingOneStep/** *  \return [GW_Bool] Is the marching process finished ? *  \author Gabriel Peyr� *  \date   4-13-2003 *  *  Just one update step of the marching algorithm. *//*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/GW_INLINEGW_Bool GW_GeodesicMesh::PerformFastMarchingOneStep(){    if( ActiveVertex_.empty() )        return GW_True;    GW_ASSERT( bIsMarchingBegin_ );//  std::make_heap( ActiveVertex_.begin(), ActiveVertex_.end(), GW_GeodesicVertex::CompareVertex );    GW_GeodesicVertex* pCurVert = ActiveVertex_.front();    GW_ASSERT( pCurVert!=NULL );    std::pop_heap( ActiveVertex_.begin(), ActiveVertex_.end(), GW_GeodesicVertex::CompareVertex );    ActiveVertex_.pop_back();    pCurVert->SetState( GW_GeodesicVertex::kDead );    if( NewDeadVertexCallback_!=NULL )        NewDeadVertexCallback_( *pCurVert );#if 0   // just for debug    for( IT_GeodesicVertexVector it = ActiveVertex_.begin(); it!=ActiveVertex_.end(); ++it )        GW_ASSERT( pCurVert->GetDistance()<=(*it)->GetDistance() );#endif    for( GW_VertexIterator VertIt = pCurVert->BeginVertexIterator(); VertIt!=pCurVert->EndVertexIterator(); ++VertIt )    {        GW_GeodesicVertex* pNewVert = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) *VertIt;        GW_ASSERT( pNewVert!=NULL );        /* compute it's new value */        if( pCurVert->GetIsStoppingVertex() && !pNewVert->GetIsStoppingVertex() && pNewVert->GetState()==GW_GeodesicVertex::kFar )        {            // this vertex is not allowed to add alive vertex that are not stopping.        }        else        {            /* compute it's new distance using neighborhood information */            GW_Float rNewDistance = GW_INFINITE;            for( GW_FaceIterator FaceIt=pNewVert->BeginFaceIterator(); FaceIt!=pNewVert->EndFaceIterator(); ++FaceIt )            //该循环找出与点距离最近两个父节点,因为点不是按mesh的边走,可以穿过边到达,那么穿过边的两个端点即为该点的两个父节点            {                GW_GeodesicFace* pFace = (GW_GeodesicFace*) *FaceIt;                GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );                GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert1 = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) pFace->GetNextVertex( *pNewVert );                GW_ASSERT( pVert1!=NULL );                GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert2 = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) pFace->GetNextVertex( *pVert1 );                GW_ASSERT( pVert2!=NULL );                if( pVert1->GetDistance()> pVert2->GetDistance() )                {                    GW_GeodesicVertex* pTempVert = pVert1;                    pVert1 = pVert2;                    pVert2 = pTempVert;                }                rNewDistance = GW_MIN( rNewDistance, this->ComputeVertexDistance( *pFace, *pNewVert, *pVert1, *pVert2, *pCurVert->GetFront() ) );            }            switch( pNewVert->GetState() ) {            case GW_GeodesicVertex::kFar:                /* ask to the callback if we should update this vertex and add it to the path */                if( VertexInsersionCallback_==NULL ||                    VertexInsersionCallback_( *pNewVert,rNewDistance ) )                {                    pNewVert->SetDistance( rNewDistance );                    /* add the vertex to the heap */                    ActiveVertex_.push_back( pNewVert );                    std::push_heap( ActiveVertex_.begin(), ActiveVertex_.end(), GW_GeodesicVertex::CompareVertex );                    /* this one can be added to the heap */                    pNewVert->SetState( GW_GeodesicVertex::kAlive );                    pNewVert->SetFront( pCurVert->GetFront() );                }                break;            case GW_GeodesicVertex::kAlive:                /* just update it's value */                if( rNewDistance<=pNewVert->GetDistance() )                {                    /* possible overlap with old value */                    if( pCurVert->GetFront()!=pNewVert->GetFront() )                        pNewVert->GetFrontOverlapInfo().RecordOverlap( *pNewVert->GetFront(), pNewVert->GetDistance() );                    pNewVert->SetDistance( rNewDistance );                    pNewVert->SetFront( pCurVert->GetFront() );                    // hum, check if we can correct this (avoid recomputing the whole heap).                    std::make_heap( ActiveVertex_.begin(), ActiveVertex_.end(), GW_GeodesicVertex::CompareVertex );                }                else                {                    /* possible overlap with new value */                    if( pCurVert->GetFront()!=pNewVert->GetFront() )                        pNewVert->GetFrontOverlapInfo().RecordOverlap( *pCurVert->GetFront(), rNewDistance );                }                break;            case GW_GeodesicVertex::kDead:                /* inform the user if there is an overlap */                if( pCurVert->GetFront()!=pNewVert->GetFront() )                    pNewVert->GetFrontOverlapInfo().RecordOverlap( *pCurVert->GetFront(), rNewDistance );                break;            default:                GW_ASSERT( GW_False );            }        }    }    /* have we finished ? */    bIsMarchingEnd_ = ActiveVertex_.empty();    /* the user can force ending of the algorithm */    if( ForceStopCallback_!=NULL && bIsMarchingEnd_==GW_False )        bIsMarchingEnd_ = ForceStopCallback_(*pCurVert);    return bIsMarchingEnd_;}
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/// Name : GW_GeodesicMesh::ComputeVertexDistance/***  \param  CurrentVertex [GW_GeodesicVertex&] The vertex to update.*  \param  Vert1 [GW_GeodesicVertex&] It's 1st neighbor.*  \param  Vert2 [GW_GeodesicVertex&] 2nd vertex.*  \return The value of the distance according to this triangle contribution.*  \author Gabriel Peyr�*  \date   4-12-2003* *  Compute the update of a vertex from inside of a triangle.*//*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/GW_INLINEGW_Float GW_GeodesicMesh::ComputeVertexDistance( GW_GeodesicFace& CurrentFace, GW_GeodesicVertex& CurrentVertex,                                                  GW_GeodesicVertex& Vert1, GW_GeodesicVertex& Vert2, GW_GeodesicVertex& CurrentFront ){       GW_Float F = this->WeightCallback_( CurrentVertex );    if( Vert1.GetState()!=GW_GeodesicVertex::kFar ||        Vert2.GetState()!=GW_GeodesicVertex::kFar )    {        GW_Vector3D Edge1 = Vert1.GetPosition() - CurrentVertex.GetPosition();        GW_Float b = Edge1.Norm();        Edge1 /= b;        GW_Vector3D Edge2 = Vert2.GetPosition() - CurrentVertex.GetPosition();        GW_Float a = Edge2.Norm();        Edge2 /= a;        GW_Float d1 = Vert1.GetDistance();        GW_Float d2 = Vert2.GetDistance();        /*  Set it if you want only to take in acount dead vertex            during the update step. */        // #define USING_ONLY_DEAD#ifndef USING_ONLY_DEAD         GW_Bool bVert1Usable = Vert1.GetState()!=GW_GeodesicVertex::kFar && Vert1.GetFront()==&CurrentFront;        GW_Bool bVert2Usable = Vert2.GetState()!=GW_GeodesicVertex::kFar && Vert2.GetFront()==&CurrentFront;        if( !bVert1Usable && bVert2Usable )        {            /* only one point is a contributor */            return d2 + a * F;//这里F理解为流速,a理解为Δx        }        if( bVert1Usable && !bVert2Usable )        {            /* only one point is a contributor */            return d1 + b * F;        }        if( bVert1Usable && bVert2Usable )        {#else        GW_Bool bVert1Usable = Vert1.GetState()==GW_GeodesicVertex::kDead && Vert1.GetFront()==&CurrentFront;        GW_Bool bVert2Usable = Vert2.GetState()==GW_GeodesicVertex::kDead && Vert2.GetFront()==&CurrentFront;        if( !bVert1Usable && bVert2Usable )        {            /* only one point is a contributor */            return d2 + a * F;        }        if( bVert1Usable && !bVert2Usable )        {            /* only one point is a contributor */            return d1 + b * F;        }        if( bVert1Usable && bVert2Usable )        {#endif  // USING_ONLY_DEAD            GW_Float dot = Edge1*Edge2;            /*  you can choose wether to use Sethian or my own derivation of the equation.                Basicaly, it gives the same answer up to normalization constants */            #define USE_SETHIAN            /* first special case for obtuse angles */            if( dot<0 && bUseUnfolding_ )            {                GW_Float c, dot1, dot2;                GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert = GW_GeodesicMesh::UnfoldTriangle( CurrentFace, CurrentVertex, Vert1, Vert2, c, dot1, dot2 );                  if( pVert!=NULL && pVert->GetState()!=GW_GeodesicVertex::kFar )                {                    GW_Float d3 = pVert->GetDistance();                    GW_Float t;     // newly computed value                    /* use the unfolded value */#ifdef USE_SETHIAN                    t = GW_GeodesicMesh::ComputeUpdate_SethianMethod( d1, d3, c, b, dot1, F );                    t = GW_MIN( t, GW_GeodesicMesh::ComputeUpdate_SethianMethod( d3, d2, a, c, dot2, F ) );#else                    t = GW_GeodesicMesh::ComputeUpdate_MatrixMethod( d1, d3, c, b, dot1, F );                    t = GW_MIN( t, GW_GeodesicMesh::ComputeUpdate_MatrixMethod( d3, d2, a, c, dot2, F ) );#endif                    return t;                }            }#ifdef USE_SETHIAN                return GW_GeodesicMesh::ComputeUpdate_SethianMethod( d1, d2, a, b, dot, F );#else                return GW_GeodesicMesh::ComputeUpdate_MatrixMethod( d1, d2, a, b, dot, F );#endif        }    }    return GW_INFINITE;}


%main.m% load the mesh[vertex,faces] = read_mesh('elephant-50kv');% display the mesh%clf;%plot_mesh(vertex, faces);%shading interp;options = [];%Select some starting point and do the propagation.start_points = 20361;%算出距离start_points的距离场[D,S,Q] = perform_fast_marching_mesh(vertex, faces, start_points, options);%Extract some geodesics and display the result.npaths = 30; nverts = size(vertex,2);% select some points that are far enough from the starting point[tmp,I] = sort( D(:) ); I = I(end:-1:1); I = I(1:round(nverts*1));end_points = floor( rand(npaths,1)*(length(I)-1) )+1;end_points = I(end_points);% precompute some usefull information about the meshoptions.v2v = compute_vertex_ring(faces);options.e2f = compute_edge_face_ring(faces);% extract the geodesicsoptions.method = 'continuous';%options.method = 'discrete';options.verb = 0;paths = compute_geodesic_mesh(D,vertex,faces, end_points, options);% displayoptions.colorfx = 'equalize';plot_fast_marching_mesh(vertex,faces, D, paths, options);shading interp;
%compute_geodesic_mesh.mfunction [path,vlist,plist] = compute_geodesic_mesh(D, vertex, face, x, options)% compute_geodesic_mesh - extract a discrete geodesic on a mesh%%   [path,vlist,plist] = compute_geodesic_mesh(D, vertex, face, x, options);%%   D is the set of geodesic distances.%%   path is a 3D curve that is the shortest path starting at x.%   You can force to use a fully discrete descent using%   options.method='discrete'.%%   Copyright (c) 2007 Gabriel Peyreoptions.null = 0;verb = getoptions(options, 'verb', 1);if length(x)>1    path = {}; vlist = {}; plist = {};    for i=1:length(x)        if length(x)>5                 if verb                progressbar(i,length(x));              end        end        [path{i},vlist{i},plist{i}] = compute_geodesic_mesh(D, vertex, face, x(i), options);    end    return;endmethod = getoptions(options, 'method', 'continuous');[vertex,face] = check_face_vertex(vertex,face);if strcmp(method, 'discrete')%离散方法的路径只能沿mesh的边行径(也就是三角形的边上)    if isfield(options, 'v2v')        vring = options.v2v;    else        vring =  compute_vertex_ring(face);    end    % path purely on edges    vlist = x;%终点索引    vprev = D(x);%终点的距离    while true%迭代往距离为0的方向找路径        x0 = vlist(end);        r = vring{x0};        [v,J] = min(D(r));        x = r(J);        if v>=vprev || v==0            break;        end        vprev = v;        vlist(end+1) = x;    end    path = vertex(:,vlist);    plist = vlist*0+1;    return;end%%% gradient descent on edges% retrieve adjacency listsm = size(face,2); n = size(vertex,2);% precompute the adjacency datasetsif isfield(options, 'e2f')    e2f = options.e2f;else    e2f = compute_edge_face_ring(face);endif isfield(options, 'v2v')    v2v = options.v2v;else    v2v = compute_vertex_ring(face);end% initialize the paths[w,f] = vertex_stepping(face, x, e2f, v2v, D);vlist = [x;w]; plist = [1];Dprev = D(x);while true;%采用连续的方法,可使路径跨过三角形的中间    % current triangle    i = vlist(1,end);    j = vlist(2,end);    k = get_vertex_face(face(:,f),i,j);    a = D(i); b = D(j); c = D(k);    % adjacent faces    f1 = get_face_face(e2f, f, i,k);    f2 = get_face_face(e2f, f, j,k);    % compute gradient in local coordinates    x = plist(end); y = 1-x;    gr = [a-c;b-c];    % twist the gradient    u = vertex(:,i) - vertex(:,k);    v = vertex(:,j) - vertex(:,k);    %[u v]可以将barycentric坐标转成三维坐标    A = [u v]; A = (A'*A)^(-1);    gr = A*gr;%梯度的解释请看后面的图片    nx = gr(1); ny = gr(2);    % compute intersection point    etas = -y/ny;    etat = -x/nx;    s = x + etas*nx;    t = y + etat*ny;%s,t的解释请看后面    if etas<0 && s>=0 && s<=1 && f1>0        %%% CASE 1 %%%        plist(end+1) = s;        vlist(:,end+1) = [i k];        % next face        f = f1;    elseif etat<0 && t>=0 && t<=1 && f2>0        %%% CASE 2 %%%        plist(end+1) = t;        vlist(:,end+1) = [j k];        % next face        f = f2;    else        %%% CASE 3 %%%        if a<=b            z = i;                    else            z = j;        end        [w,f] = vertex_stepping( face, z, e2f, v2v, D);        vlist(:,end+1) = [z w];          plist(end+1) = 1;       end    Dnew = D(vlist(1,end))*plist(end) + D(vlist(2,end))*(1-plist(end));    if Dnew==0 || (Dprev==Dnew && length(plist)>1)        break;    end    Dprev=Dnew;endv1 = vertex(:,vlist(1,:));v2 = vertex(:,vlist(2,:));path = v1.*repmat(plist, [3 1]) + v2.*repmat(1-plist, [3 1]);%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function [w,f] = vertex_stepping(face, v, e2f, v2v, D)% adjacent vertex with minimum distance[tmp,I] = min( D(v2v{v}) ); w = v2v{v}(I);f1 = e2f(v,w);f2 = e2f(w,v);if f1<0    f = f2; return;endif f2<0    f = f1; return;endz1 = get_vertex_face(face(:,f1),v,w);z2 = get_vertex_face(face(:,f2),v,w);if D(z1)




就可以得到三角形的梯度为 (ac)e^1h1+(bc)e^2h2





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